Monday, July 26, 2010

Updates: During the Opening Ceremony

Mr. Lau Weng San giving opening speech, addressing security issues as well.

Guest of Honour: YB Datuk Donald Lim

Part of the crowd, at the booth's sheltered area

Finally, our RT booth officially re-opened. Too bad it was raining last night, maybe that's why there wasn't a huge crowd as expected. Light refreshments include mee goreng, nasi lemak and even rojak! To be frank, nice food, shame on the weather.

Performance wise, I must say I enjoy watching the 'mask changing' performance. I am not sure was it only my house or what but apparently I DID NOT receive any mailer with regards to the RT Opening Ceremony as mentioned earlier.

Fortunately Mr. Jimmy informed me earlier through email, else I think I would have missed the whole event. Did the rest of you folks, minus the family members of the RT committee board knew about the ceremony?

Well, yeah, they did hang a banner at the booth about the opening but what if we didn't drive pass that road last week? Anyway, maybe the rain turned away alot of keen residents but don't worry, I'll try to update you all on the speech by Mr. Lau Weng San regarding security issues - that's our main concern here.

He gave the speech in Mandarin - sadly I can't understand Mandarin. Will try to meet up with him personally within this week to get a clearer, translated version on his speech last night. Stay tuned to this blog to find out more updates on suggestions & views to improve the security in our neighbourhood.

Our Target / Vision

Monthly fee : RM50 / household
No. of participation : 144 houses

Sunday, July 25, 2010

RT Official Re-Opening Ceremony Is Today!!

Just snapped a photo of the booth just now, thought of sharing with you all. Spotted Mr. Jimmy there as well, very dedicatedly ensuring everything are well arranged.
Invited guests of honour, YB Datuk Donald Lim and Mr. Lau Weng San (ADUN for Kg. Tunku).
Apparently representatives from Sri Lara security will be there as well.

Just to let our readers know that Mr. Lau is giving his support as well to make our security proposal as success, regardless it will be a security patrol or an organised neighbourhood watch.

I am sure we all wish for a secured Sea Park - our mission & vision.
See you all there and please share your views on ways to improve the security for our neighbourhood! Cheerios!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

RT Booth Official Re-Opening- 25/7/10!!

Just received a good news from Mr. Jimmy, our neighourbood's RT Booth is set to re-open on

Date & Time: 25/7/10 (Sunday) @ 7pm
Location : Right across the road from Kedai Kopi Khoong, nearby Sea Park Wet Market

You won't miss the RT location, it's pretty much well renovated with bricked fencing. Hope more residents/readers will turn up and hopefully residents will voice out and share their views on methods to improve Sea Park security. Oh yes, light refreshments will be served as well.

Do come and bring along your family members. Lets us get to know each other / know your neighbours and work things out as a community!

p/s: I have yet receive any confirmation date for the security proposal meeting but hopefully it's going to be happening soon :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Update: RT Booth Re-Opening Soon

I am delighted to inform my dear fellow residents that our RT booth is finally re-opening in about 2 weeks' time, which is roughly mid of this month (July). As informed by Mr. Jimmy, they will be sending out some mailers to inform us about this and also the GOOD NEWS is.... They are showing interest to this whole security patrol scheme! Apparently Mr. Jimmy informed me that they will have a RT Committee meeting and will organise a residents gathering to see if there are any more interested households who wants to subscribe.

I hope readers of this blog will participate and hopefully we can start the security scheme by this year itself! I am excited myself knowing this news, that will mean with the involvement of our RT, we might even get better offer from the security company, ie. more security guards! When we all finally receive the mailer for the residents gathering, I sincerely hope most of you folks will turn up and show your support. I hope by now after reading this blog, we all could have a brief understanding about the security scheme and give a deep thought about subscribing to this security service.

I will post up the date for the RT Booth opening once I find out about it and hopefully they will also inform the rest of the residents about this security proposal and set a date for the residents gathering by then.
Please remember every support and every subscription means alot towards our neighbourhood security.
Thanks folks!